2014 was a busy and exciting time for the Town of Warwick.   As we came through a very challenging winter, in which our Highway Department did an outstanding job, we continued our infrastructure repairs as they were approved by FEMA. Many of these projects replaced very large and aging drainage structures which will now serve the town well for the next 50- 100 years. All of these projects were funded by Federal emergency money that has been returned to the taxpayers of Warwick.  Of the three remaining projects, two are in design and the other one awaits FEMA approval which should come soon. In order to proactively replace infrastructure and prevent flood damage in the future the Town in conjunction with its three Villages completed and had approved by FEMA an All Hazards Mitigation Plan which will make us all eligible for grants to fund future improvements. 

In March the Town and the Warwick Valley Local Development Corporation concluded the purchase of the former Mid Orange Correctional Facility and began the work to repurpose it for economic development as well as recreational use. To date we have secured $1,000,000 dollars from the OC IDA and a $3,000,000 grant from NYS Empire State Development Corporation for needed infrastructure improvements. Our first tenant, Trans Tech Bus Company has doubled production in its first year on site! In addition, we have already sold 35 acres for a year-round recreational/sports facility and have begun construction of the roadway that will serve the 10 preapproved pad sites making them extremely marketable. This land is already paying taxes for the first time in its history and has also begun to provide jobs for the community. More will follow as we build-out. 

We continued our successful efforts through public / private partnerships to enhance recreational opportunities within the Town. With a grant from Senator Bonacic the parking area at the Thomas P Morahan Waterfront Park was paved and drainage was improved. The beach had another record year as a result. The last field at Union Corners Sports Park was completed with the very generous donation of fill and hydroseeding from the Watchtower organization.  The Town also signed an agreement to become the home of the Beautiful People Miracle League Baseball complex on the site of the former Mid Orange facility. This will be home to sports activities for children with disabilities and Warwick is proud to be that home. All of this with no taxpayer money!

Our Farmland preservation efforts continued strong with three farms receiving 50% grant funds from the Federal NRCS program- the only award this year in NYS.  

Our transportation system had another record ridership year, not only serving seniors but also those getting from their homes to jobs. A construction management firm was selected to oversee the construction of the federally funded bus garage that will be built by the DPW complex and will serve our system as well as other municipalities. 

When the Florida Fire district decided to cease ambulance service in the Florida area of our Town the Town Board stepped up in partnership with Warwick ambulance corp. to ensure residents get the emergency service they need on January 1st

Finally, once again the Town has adopted its third consecutive budget that is under the 2% tax cap. This budget continues to invest in our roads and our essential services while recognizing the fiscal restraints all of us as taxpayers face each and every day.  Since the inception of the State Comptroller’s Fiscal Stress Monitoring System, which indicates a Town’s susceptibility to financial problems, our grade has gone from 40% to 34% to 15.8%, one of the lowest of any town in Orange County.  I want to commend all our employees and the Town Board for their continued efforts to find innovative ways to cut costs while still providing outstanding service to our residents. Our Town and its Villages continue to grow, diversify and improve thus remaining one of the most desirable places to live and visit in the entire country. 

We all look forward to continuing that progress and to another successful year in 2015.