Once again 2015 presented its challenges however, working as a team, our employees, department heads and Town officials met each and every one of these challenges.

The winter featured frequent storms and extremely cold temperatures which overtaxed our supplies and crews but the highway department kept roads cleared and our residents safe. Well done. Spring and summer saw much road repair work from the winter damage as well as some major infrastructure projects all completed on time and on budget.

Our police department continued to do an exceptional job covering over 104 sq. miles of the largest town in Orange County. Under capable leadership they worked hard to ensure we remain one of the safest communities in the State and are always prepared for any unexpected emergencies. Our entire dept. was and is committed to vigorously combating the scourge of cheap drugs by aggressively making arrests and following leads that have kept this menace from overwhelming our young people. They have sent the message loud and clear, stay out of Warwick. We also sponsored three part time recruits to the Orange county police academy that will soon join our force.

We continued to strengthen our shared service agreements with not only our Villages but also other Towns, concluding a new agreement with the Town of Wallkill for DAB management services and with the Town of Waywayanda to share equipment. These agreements allow us all to provide more efficient service and save money for our residents.

Our parks continued to be busy all year. New this past year was completion of a new soccer/lacrosse field at Union Corners Park, completed primarily with private donations, and the opening of our newest park, Wickham Woodlands which was warmly received by the public. The Town beach, on beautiful Greenwood Lake, also had a record attendance and revenue year. The parks crew did an outstanding job as always.
Our strong support for our emergency services resulted in the conclusion of a lease for a building at the former prison to the Warwick Fire District as a training and equipment storage facility. In its first year providing ambulance service to the Florida area, WAC not only grew local Florida membership but did not miss one call all year! Well done!

Major projects this past year included the FEMA funded replacement of three major culverts, the completion of the first section of the marginal access road in the Community Business District on RT 94 and the awarding of the final design work for the new federally funded transit garage. Work progressed at the new corporate park with the completion of the new road, new utility installation and road resurfacing. Sale of the remaining existing buildings is slated to close on Jan 15th leaving only 9 pre-approved, shovel ready sites to sell. The Town, the WVLDC and the OC Partnership are all aggressively marketing these remaining lots.
Finally once again the Town has adopted its fourth consecutive budget that is under the 2% tax cap at .73%. This budget continues to invest in our roads and our essential services while recognizing the fiscal restraints all of us as taxpayers face each and every day. We also submitted and had approved a tax freeze plan to NYS for the 2017 budget season.

I want to commend all our employees and the Town Board for their continued efforts to find innovative ways to cut costs while still providing outstanding service to our residents. Our Town and its Villages continue to grow, diversify and improve thus remaining one of the most desirable places to live and visit in the entire country.
We all look forward to continuing that progress and to another successful year in 2016.