As the drawdown of the lake concludes and water rises back to normal levels, we all must remain cautious even when ice appears safe to walk on. The rising water levels could potentially cause air pockets on the edges of what appears to be a frozen lake. If the lake does freeze, please be extra cautious, be prepared and always let someone know in advance that you’ll be going out on the ice and where you’ll be going.

Speaking of ice – Our Village ice skating rinks are set to open later this week!! We have two full size ice rinks set up on the basketball courts located on Vine street and they are just about frozen solid. Skating is free and can be done anytime the rink signs say “OPEN”. You can also check the status of the rink by visiting the Village website at Helmets are required for all skaters.

As of January 1, 2022 there is a village law requiring non-residents have a fishing permit from the Village of Greenwood Lake to fish from shore or accessing the lake from shore for ice fishing. The law does not require a permit for the following: residents of the town of Warwick, anyone who works in the Greenwood Lake School district boundary / Greenwood Lake community, those staying at legal rentals, bed and breakfasts, motels / hotels as well as guests of ANY resident of the Village of Greenwood Lake. All others will require a permit from Village Hall. Permits are $10 a day and are good for the same day purchased. Permits may only be picked up from Village Hall between the hours of 8am – 4pm Monday through Friday. Overcrowding at some of our best fishing spots by non-resident fisherman has become a significant problem for our residents. We hope this law provides the access to quality fishing our residents deserve.

Winter Carnival is set to take place over Presidents Day weekend at the Thomas Morahan Waterfront Park. The 3 day festival will be bringing nationally recognized musicians, fireworks, fun for all ages and a wonderful opportunity for an outdoor event that can be enjoyed by many. For more information about Winter Carnival, please visit the website