2022 is here and with a new year many of us set goals and look forward to what we can accomplish going into the future. The Village of Florida is no different and we have many goals and aspirations set for 2022. Infrastructure is on everyone’s mind with the recent water main breaks we have endured along with the overhaul of the water plant itself. Our engineer team is currently preparing and designing plans after a successful pilot study completed in 2021. Once finished it will be reviewed by Orange county, New York and Federal health departments. When approved we will be able to send out to bid and begin work on the facility upgrades, as of today we are on track to meet the goals set forth by all health departments involved.

Several aged water valves have been discovered that are in need of replacement that controls the flow in our water system lines. As our recent breaks have shown us we need to begin replacing not just the valves but the lines themselves. Many of our lines are over 100 years old and have come to the end of their lifespan. This will be a costly endeavor and we will do our best to begin replacing some of our oldest lines in a fiscally responsible manner.

Route 94 is still an ongoing issue with not just Florida residents but Warwick as a whole. I am still in communication with Governor Hochul’s office and NYS DOT to push for this critical repair/redesign to begin work as stated before in 2023. We cannot afford another delay on this roadway, I will continue to do everything I can to push for this projects start and completion.

I’m excited at the prospect of what is on the horizon for our village as we move into a new year, shedding what was a hard 2021 for many. The board of Trustee’s and I will work to accomplish these projects and others so we continue to make the Village Of Florida a great place to live for you and your family, Happy New year everyone!