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Florida Family Funfest (2022)

Left to Right Linda Dubin....WRC Member Karl Brabenec....N.Y.State Assemblyman Vince Copello....WRC Chairman Joe Coleman.... Brabenec Chief of Staff Mike Sweeton....Warwick Town Supervisor Colin Schmitt for U.S. Congress staff member

Senior BBQ (2022)

Picture from left to right. Tony Cardone...Mayor of Monroe Dorey Houle... running for N.Y. Senator Lee Zeldin...  running for N.Y. Gov. Alison Esposito... running for N.Y. Lt. Gov. Vince Copello ...Warwick Republican Committee Chairman Ann Marie Maglione... Director...


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State of the Town & Year in Reviews

Supervisor’s state of the town address 2018

2018 was a busy year in Warwick town government.  Winter as always presents challenges for the largest town in Orange County with over 220 lane miles of roads.  Our Department of Public works responded as usual keeping the roads clear so that residents could get to...

Supervisor’s state of the town address 2015

Once again 2015 presented its challenges however, working as a team, our employees, department heads and Town officials met each and every one of these challenges. The winter featured frequent storms and extremely cold temperatures which overtaxed our supplies and...

Supervisor’s state of the town address 2014

2014 was a busy and exciting time for the Town of Warwick.   As we came through a very challenging winter, in which our Highway Department did an outstanding job, we continued our infrastructure repairs as they were approved by FEMA. Many of these projects replaced...